Valentine's Playlist Quiz

Sounds | Cole Lachowicz

Graphic by Cole Lachowicz

Everywhere you look, you are surrounded by love — after all, it is the most romantic time of the year! Heck, even Dollarama has had their aisles filled with pink and red since the New Year. You have been waiting all year for this…so now is your time to act.

This Valentine’s Day, your wish for a personalized playlist to jam out to is about to be granted.

The Howl Mag has a perfect playlist for you. One that is customized for your personality, so there’s no need to press that pesky skip button or have it on shuffle. How does such a personalized and tailored playlist even exist? Well, with the power of maths and the simple process of elimination, I present to you a quiz! And just when you think it can’t get any better, this quiz takes barely any time at all!

So, let your heart guide you and see which playlist suits you best in this season of love.

Note: Do be sure to keep track of which answers you choose so you can tally them up at the end!

Q1# What is your favourite way to relax?

  1. Watch a show or movie

  2. Reading a good book

  3. Getting outside and breathing in some good fresh air

  4. Hanging out and enjoying time with my friends

  5. Finding a new hobby or activity to take an interest in

  6. Laying down and taking the time to go on social media 

Q2# When you listen to music, how are you jamming out to it? Are you…

  1. Singing out loud to yourself

  2. Taking the time to daydream a scenario for each song

  3. Grabbing the nearest person to you and forcing them to join you

  4. Using your hairbrush as an imaginary microphone and perform for your audience 

  5. Clear the space because nothing is going to stop you from dancing your heart out

  6. Silently listening and bobbing your head to the beat

Q3# When do you find yourself listening to music the most? 

  1. Walking to a destination and need some background music

  2. When the soundtrack of real life isn’t hitting and needs to be blocked out

  3. Generally, when someone else happens to be listening to music you’ll just listen to their’s

  4. I always listen to music, 24/7, 365, no breaks

  5. When I am in a creative mood and feel motivated

  6. When I need some excitement or had a bad day and need a pick-me-up

Q4# What decade best describes your music taste?

  1. 1970s

  2. 1980s

  3. 1990s

  4. 2000s

  5. 2010s

  6. 2020s

Q5# Choose one of these songs to listen to right now

  1. Fantasy by Mariah Carey

  2. Bad Habit by Steve Lacy

  3. Stand By Me by Ben E. King

  4. Space Girl by Frances Forever

  5. I Wanna Dance with Somebody by Whitney Houston 

  6. Evergreen by Omar Apollo

Q6# What are you listening to your music on?

  1. On a speaker at full blast

  2. Headphones/earbuds

  3. On anything that can play music

  4. Record player 

  5. The car radio 

  6. My built-in computer speakers 

Q7# If you could buy any instrument what instrument would it be?

  1. Piano or keyboard 

  2. Definitely an orchestral instrument

  3. That one instrument that I keep hearing in my favourite song

  4. Gimmie all the instruments and the ability to play them all too

  5. Drum set

  6. Those giant cathedral organs, who doesn’t want that in their house?

Q8# What is the most important to you in a song?

  1. How applicable it is to my current mood

  2. The nostalgia it makes me feel and the memories it brings back

  3. Lyrics, lyrics LYRICS!

  4. How danceable it is

  5. If it hypes me up

  6. The emotion that the instruments bring

Q9# What volume do you play your music on?

  1. A medium-high volume so I can listen and sing along to

  2. A moderate volume so I can feel the emotion of the music 

  3. A reasonable medium volume because I care about my hearing

  4. A low volume so I can do other things and be too distracted

  5. Loud enough to dance to as if I was at a concert

  6. So loud that people can hear it through my headphones

Q10# And lastly, who are you or who would you most likely be at a concert?

  1. Getting lost in the energy and sound with everyone there

  2. Singing my favourite songs at the top of my lungs

  3. Waiting for when the performer plays a slower song on the piano or guitar

  4. Headbanging and jumping around in the pit, front and center

  5. Going hard and screaming so loudly that it's like I’m performing instead of the actual performer 

  6. Getting swept up in it all to the point of tears


Did you get mostly As? Your playlist is called… ENTERING MY CRUSH ERA!

Whether you are in a ‘crushing’ mood or not, you love the songs that make you feel light on your feet, the ones that remind you of that crush where all you wanted was to be around them and share your favourite things with them. The type of love songs that carry you through heartfelt emotions, the ones that make your heart pound for more…you know, those ones. This playlist captures all of this, allowing you to get lost in the stories they tell and feel the excitement of new love on this Valentine’s Day. So what are you waiting for? Listen to this playlist and fall in love with it!

Did you get mostly Bs? Your playlist is called… HOPELESS ROMANTIC!

Listen, we all walk our paths in the story of life. And what better way to walk your life than with an amazing soundtrack that makes you feel like you’re the main character? And what kind of main character are you if you don’t go through your hopeless romantic phase? You’re more in love with the feeling of love than being in love itself, and you have no shame about it. The songs in this playlist are perfect for you, because they tell stories which you to daydream about, or look longingly out the window to. This playlist is packed with songs that are led by pure emotion and have overly optimistic lyrics about love and relationships. Why don’t you take a break from the glum reality and instead escape, transporting yourself into your own coming-of-age movie?

Did you get mostly Cs? Your playlist is called… YOU ARE THE ONE

Falling in love is one thing, but being in love is a whole other story. Love can be felt in so many different ways and can’t be described in one sentence… So we made a whole playlist dedicated to it. Maybe you’ve found the one in your amazing partner, your best friend in the world, or your many cats. Whatever or whoever the one for you is, this is a playlist dedicated to them. Play this whenever they occupy your mind, and let each song put all those loving thoughts and images into words.

Did you get mostly Ds? Your playlist is called… GAY & IN LOVE

Love is a feeling that transcends us as human beings. It has no boundaries or is restricted by who it touches. Love can be felt by all, and is not limited to one's sexuality, gender or expression of themselves. So what stops you from having your very own playlist with tons of LGBTQ+ icons serenading you till your hearts can tend? This playlist is for the gays, but can be listened to by anyone, in general, who loves love, and loves songs with lyrics that are immensely poetic.

Did you get mostly Es,? Your playlist is called… LOVE SONGS THAT GET ME DANCING ON ELEVATED SURFACES

Some love songs get people to sway their heads slowly. Some love songs get others in a more upbeat mood. Some songs get people so excited that they can’t help but get up on a table and dance! Love is a powerful emotion so it’s fitting that if you agree, then this playlist is perfect for you. These love songs will have you jumping up and down so hard that the world shakes! You know them all, you love them all, so dance your heart out them all!

Did you get mostly Fs? Your playlist is called… THE OBLIGATORY BREAKUP (HEARTBREAK) PLAYLIST

Well, this is kind of awkward. I guess you’re wondering how you got here. The test never lies and it appears that you have fallen into the breakup/heartbreak album. But I shall put your heart at ease soon enough. With love comes loss and when you have felt loss, you know what love is — there cannot be one without the other. And when you have finished feeling your loss, you can welcome love back in. So think of this playlist as a stepping stone. You’re only a visitor here and you are welcome to play it as many times as you need. Maybe your heartbreak isn’t about something romantic. Play this anyway because there are some bangers in this playlist that you do not want to miss out on. Songs that get you in that emotional state where you don’t even need to sound good you just want to scream the lyrics into the abyss or have the tears roll down your face.

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