Which rom-com trope are you?

Thoughts | Amelia Wu

Graphic by Amelia Wu

It’s that (dreaded) time of the year again, and whether you’ve got a special someone in mind – or rather, a few special cats to spend the night with – the real stars of the season are the rom-coms all of us who seek love turn to. Bridget Jones, Jenna Rink, and Cher Horowitz are characters we all can resonate with leading up to the ultimate day of love, no matter what that looks like to you. 

This Valentine’s Day, treat yourself to the depths of your imagination – are you the ever-uptight workaholic rushing down the streets, juggling 7 phone calls at once? Or the wide-eyed manic pixie dream girl, head full of dreams and semi-permanent box dye? Or are you, simply put, just a hot mess?

Whatever it is, join The Howl in our countdown to Valentine’s Day with our 5-minute quiz, “Which Rom-Com Trope Are You?

  1. How are you spending your Valentine’s Day?

    A. Realistically? Working…

    B. Partying (Absolutely wasted)!

    C. Dressing up for a date!

    D. No plans yet…

    E. Like any other day.

    F. Giving valentines and gifts to friends!

    G. Going out to a party in style.

  2. Describe your style:

    A. Clean, minimalist, sleek

    B. Tank top? Flip flops? Whatever isn’t dirty.

    C. Delicate, feminine, romantic.

    D. Safe and simple, nothing too attention-grabbing.

    E. Artsy, edgy. Lots of metal.

    F. Comfy, casual, oversized.

    G. Dark and vampy. Flattering as hell.

  3. Pick an item that speaks to you:

    A. My laptop

    B. Energy drink

    C. A book I’ve been reading

    D. A shirt I’ve been hesitant to wear

    E. Box of matches

    F. Box of cookies tied up with a ribbon

    G. Lipstick

  4. Pick a genre of music to listen to while getting ready!

    A. Classical music

    B. Noise music

    C. Ballads

    D. Upbeat pop

    E. Grunge

    F. Indie

    G. R&B

  5. How do you feel about your love life/love in general?

    A. No time for one.

    B. It's complicated.

    C. I just love love!

    D. It’s a bit new to me…

    E. Overrated.

    F. Unrequited love sucks.

    G. I got it down.

  6. You’re at a party. What are you most likely to be doing?

    A. Checking my phone.

    B. Escaping through the bathroom window…

    C. Admiring everyone.

    D. Sticking with close friends only.

    E. People-watching in the corner.

    F. Holding my friend’s hair back.

    G. Commanding the dance floor.

  7. Pick your favorite romantic trope:

    A. Forced proximity

    B. Meet cute

    C. Soulmates

    D. Love at first sight

    E. Rivals to lovers

    F. Friends to lovers

    G. Femme Fatale

  8. What’s your sleep schedule like?

    A. Early riser on a schedule!

    B. Woke up at 3 PM yesterday.

    C. Sleep is great, I get as much as I can!

    D. Pretty consistent.

    E. I’m a night owl.

    F. I stay up a few nights a week.

    G. Wake me up when it’s the weekend.

  9. Pick a rom-com job you’d most likely be working at:

    A. Lawyer

    B. Unemployed

    C. Florist

    D. Full-time student

    E. Author

    F. Bakery owner

    G. Fashion intern

  10. How would your friends describe you? Be honest!

    A. Ambitious

    B. Relatable

    C. Creative

    D. Earnest

    E. Headstrong

    F. Caring

    G. Bold

  11. Pick a romantic dessert!

    A. Dark and indulgent chocolate-covered strawberries.

    B. Tub of ice cream dripping with hot fudge.

    C. Strawberry shortcake topped with whipped cream!

    D. An assortment of delicate, airy, macarons. 

    E. Luscious molten chocolate lava cake.

    F. Freshly-baked heart-shaped cinnamon rolls.

    G. Rich, dark, devil’s food cake.


If you got mostly A’s, you are… THE WORKAHOLIC!

Slow down! You’re the hopelessly busy 20-something career-person, dedicated to the grind above all. Normally, in a rom-com, you’d meet a hopelessly insufferable klutz who shows you how to unwind – but don’t get it wrong, you’ve got great strengths about you. You’re hard-working, ambitious, and above all, once you put your mind to something, you’ll succeed. Take that however you want, whether it be in school, work, or your social life – sure, you might be stressed out, but in the end, you’ve got this. This Valentine’s day, put down the Bluetooth earbuds and Zoom calls for a minute and take the time to really treat yourself to some chill quality time with you and your loved ones. 

If you got mostly B’s, you are… THE HOT MESS!

Good god, get a grip girl! In rom-com terms, your life is a “mess” –  maybe you’re caught in a messy love triangle, stuck in a broken-down flat, or have been woken up, blacked out in a bed you don’t recognize… regardless, you’re our loveable but klutzy protagonist- someone everyone wants to root for. Relatable, goofy, and even though you might make some mistakes here and there, you have a heart of gold at the bottom of it all. Your ability to be in touch with your emotions always lends to the right choice despite some bad judgments here and there. This Valentine’s Day, take some time to yourself, and slow down for a bit. Enjoy some desserts, some quality me-time, and reflect on what love means to you!

If you got mostly C’s, you are… THE HOPELESS ROMANTIC!

You just love love. Some people might think you have your head in the clouds half the time, or that you’re easily excitable, but you’re just passionate. That’s your best quality, after all! When you care, you really, really, care, whether it comes to your friends, your hobbies, or literally anything that catches your eye. You love to create, inspire, and truly light up every room you’re in. You value the little things in life – the feeling of clean sheets, the smell after the rain – and above all, the people you care for. On February 14th, celebrate the positivity you bring into the world and light some candles, practice some self-care; take a moment to show yourself some of that love that you always show others. 

If you got mostly D’s, you are… THE MAKEOVER!

The Princess-Diaries-style, you are going to be the subject of a big makeover this season of love, whether that’s style-wise, or even within. You can sometimes be a bit withdrawn, preferring to stay out of the spotlight or avoiding drawing any attention to yourself. Maybe you have interests or a certain style of clothing you’re hesitant to put out there. Still, that doesn’t change the fact that you’ve got a heart of gold and a captivating personality to match, one fit for being the majesty of Genovia. This February, take some time to go outside of your comfort zone. Wear that outfit you’ve always had on the backburner! Talk to that person you’ve always wanted to approach. Take a shot at that one thing you’ve always wanted to do, and let your inner self shine all the while. 

If you got mostly E’s, you are… THE BROODER!

Valentine’s Day is sooo overrated. At least, that’s how you might feel. Maybe you’re over the capitalism of it all, or maybe you’ve been burned by love before, so you might just not be in the mood for love this time of year. You’re headstrong, opinionated, and very passionate about what you do. You’re bold, assertive, and like to march to the beat of your own drum… but according to the rules of rom-coms, you just might be a big softie on the inside. This Valentine’s Day, take a chance on love – go out with some friends, do some self-care, put yourself out there. You owe yourself some enjoyment!

If you got mostly F’s, you are… THE JUST-A-FRIEND!

Don’t get it wrong, the title sounds bad, but let’s unpack what it really means – while the just-a-friend in the rom coms often gets overlooked, you always end up being “the one”. You’re caring, empathetic, and you make your priority your loved ones. You’re always there for everyone, and you give amazing advice. You usually spend your time caring for others, or completing whatever responsibilities you have… which is great! But this Valentine’s Day, stop waiting around on others, or for the opportunity to fall into your lap – take that secret little thing you’ve wanted to do for ages, and go out and do it! 

If you got mostly G’s, you are… THE DANGEROUS HOTTIE!

Cue “Maneater” by Nelly Furtado. You know you look good, and you’re an expert at weaponizing that. You’re the type of person to pique everyone’s interest when you walk into a room, usually clad in your signature style, recognizable from a mile away. You’re adventurous, mysterious, and usually the star of a party. Whether it’s your style, your humour, or your personality, you’re confident in who you are and charming as hell. This Valentine’s Day, go out, have your fun, and continue enabling others to make bad(or rather, daring) decisions the way you do!

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